Saturday 18 July 2015

Revenge of the pathetic prince of pettiness, petulance-and probably pestilence

I've been getting a lot of feedback-not just about the blog, but about the video, too. Most of it has been very positive. Most of it.

The YouTube people emailed me and told me that a complaint has been made about the video. No surprises there - we all know who did that. After all, I have gone public and outed these four people, made sure that everyone would know the story-the true story. So I have clearly upset a few cripplers. Oh, well. Tough shit. If they are scrutinized, if everything they say and do is watched closely, and if they are held accountable for their actions, perhaps they will change their behavior and people won't be crippled. Or die. My aim is to alert people, to help them make educated choices when it comes to their health and well being.

Perhaps I'm being too naive and optimistic?

I wrote back to YouTube and asked them to view the video, and to pay close attention to what I was saying. I said that I have seven binders filled with documents from the original court case, and that these documents prove conclusively that I am telling the truth in the video (and in this blog,by the way. Seven binders. It's better than weight training.).

I went on to write that what I am doing is in the public interest, and that whistle blowers who are trying to go public and expose people like the cripplers (and their friends, who are, as we know, just as bad) should be protected. Personally, if we can stop even one patient from suffering, we should get a medal.

The worst case scenario is that I have to take the video down-in which case I will just do another one, and another one, and still another one-after all, I need to keep everyone updated on my progress, don't I? I will just change the names. I will give them nicknames. That will be so adorable-everyone knows who they are already, so they will just look incredibly stupid.

Nobody has ruined my week, though. I'm so over them. I've got more important things to do: a glass of wine and a bag of Kettle Chips to celebrate everything I have accomplished this week.

Matthew Buckland, Sofia Grigoriadou, Hilary Longhurst, Phil Bright-I won. And you lost. You didn't beat me, I beat you. And I said I would never quit, would never give up, and would never let them win. I think that calls for a second glass of wine, don't you?

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