Thursday 23 February 2012

Sometimes a good kick works!

Ah, computers, got to love 'em. When they decide to go on strike, we don't know what to do-some of us, anyway. That goes for mobile phones, too! My ancient laptop packed up, so I have to borrow one to go online until I set up my brand, spanking new one at the weekend. Can hardly wait-I feel bereft. How sad that is!!

I upgraded my mobile-through Orange, which is probably the world's worst service provider, second only to TMobile and Vodaphone. Orange sent me a replacement iPhone last week, and took the broken one back. Oh joy! The one they sent me didn't work-so they did diagnostics and informed me that the handset is defective (as if I'm incapable of figuring that out by myself!!). So they sent me to Apple. I have to say that the people at Apple were great-absolutely GREAT!! They sent me another one, which I received yesterday.

I said to the Apple guys that I just replaced my ancient laptop with a new Apple-and I think the customer service at Apple is second to none. I also mentioned that I tell people who complain that their computers are slow, or don't work (that always happens when you call some government office, doesn't it?), to give it a good kick. Actually-I stopped saying that, because last week at the hospital, the receptionist at the clinic looked horrified. Some people just have no sense of humour.

I'm taking a meditation class: once a week (two hours), and I am halfway through. It is geared toward people with severe pain, or some kind of disability, as well as those with depression. I've listened to some of the stories; although the facilitators stated that this is a class and not group therapy, I find myself thinking that some of these people could use a dose of therapy. They seem so sad-and I said the other day, when a woman mentioned that her only problem is a "little depression" and she feels like she shouldn't complain when some people have problems that are so much worse. I truly wanted to say something to help her-but it wasn't my class, and the facilitators didn't say much, so I kept my mouth shut. I'm learning-FINALLY- to mind my own business and to never give advice. That is harder than anything else!!

An acquaintance invited me to lunch the other day. Several people were there, and the hostess was going on and on about this bowl of caviar she had put on the table. Beluga, she said-only the finest-£990 for 250 grams. What?? I had to bite my tongue to keep from laughing. What kind of idiot spends nearly £1000 on something that looks like mouldy frog spawn? The worst thing about it was that I could swear it was still moving.

What can I say? I'm not into pretentious idiots. I am into computers (I didn't say I'm any good, I just said I'm into them), and research (mainly medical, obviously), and anything that keeps my brain from turning to strawberry jam.

I'm just a Geek Goddess...:)

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