Thursday 2 February 2012

Setback or relapse?

Just when I think life is getting easier, something happens to show me that I'm wrong!!

I've had a few days of really severe dizziness, and my balance has been really terrible. I started to wonder why I've gone backwards-back to where I was last year: difficulty in standing up, much less walking-and severe vertigo.

I rang my neurologist-got through to his secretary, and he rang me back to remind me that I would have good days and bad days, and it look like I have had more than a few bad ones!! Persevere, he said-don't give up now. It's only a temporary setback, not a permanent relapse. That made me feel a bit better, even though I had to hold onto the furniture to keep from falling over. And today it is a bit better, so I'm hoping I will continue to move forward. This just reminds me that my condition is permanent, although I am fighting to get more balance back.

My vestibular physiotherapist has moved on to greater things. He is the one who told me a couple of months ago that no decent man is going to want to date someone who is on a walking stick and clearly visually impaired! I was really upset; all I managed to say was that it is a good thing he is a physiotherapist and not a psychiatrist!! I do hope he isn't retraining to do some other kind of therapy!!

So-while I was temporarily incapacitated, I started to ruminate-again!! I thought about men (my favorite subject of late). That is because my neurologist is adorable and has the most wonderful dimples. I find dimples sexy. I also find men who wear suits (really well-made suits!) sexy. All I tend to meet are men who don't have their own hair and teeth, who are at least 75 years old (more like 100, really), don't speak English, and are either completely bonkers, misogynists, addicted to some noxious substance or another, dimwitted, too old, too young, married, cohabiting, or gay. Or-I look at them and think they are potential serial killers. So much for dating!!

Really!! Perhaps I should take up knitting (heh. As if!!).

See what happens when I start to ruminate?

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