Tuesday 28 August 2012

Now you see em, now you don't

In certain parts of this country, they are called "no-see-ums" - another word for midges. Nasty little things, they are like gnats-except they bite. And I left the window open, so now I have a ton of them!!

On Sunday, I thought my eyes were going funny-they sometimes do, although the nystagmus is very small: it only is evident when I concentrate, or look a certain way, or I'm tired. Well-I'm always tired, but this was different. I thought I had floaters. Nope-midges.

My computer has been down for awhile, and I have been blogging from the local internet cafe-but I was home, so I Googled on my trusty phone, and learned that some essential oils will stop them from biting, and will (allegedly) send them to bite someone else. Upstairs, maybe?? LOL!!!

I suffered with them on Sunday-and yesterday, I decided to blast them with Raid. Now, Raid is great: I kill ants that come in from the garden, and spiders, too (as everyone now knows, I have a spider phobia). So I actually read the directions on the can-and I never read directions, I always work things out without them (when I can). I decided to blast.

I also read that some essential oils work well with midges and their non-carnivorous sisters (or brothers?), the gnats. In the event of a nuclear war, the only forms of life left will be cockroaches and gnats-and midges, that will bite the other two!! Anyway-peppermint, lavender and citronella oils can be used to deter the little buggers. So, since I believe in overkill when it comes to bugs-I used all three. I nearly asphyxiated myself, and the whole flat stank of essential oils-and I nearly blinded myself by rubbing lavender oil all over myself (nearly got it in my eyes), but I was able to get some sleep without being bitten within an inch of my life.

I also sprayed Raid everywhere. I think I probably sprayed my computer, too-and my phone, and the television, and-well, I sprayed everywhere, just in case!! I then closed the doors and bid a hasty retreat into the bedroom. If the oils don't get me, the Raid will!!

This is all incentive for me to move out of here-of that I am certain. It is also incentive for me to continue working hard to get more balance back; that way, I can start looking for somewhere else to live-in an area filled with normal people!! 

Meanwhile, there is Raid. And lavender, citronella and peppermint oils. And next time I will wear a mask!!

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