Friday 21 September 2012

Everybody has dreams

We all have dreams,goals, aspirations-at least,I like to think (and hope) so. Whether they come true or not is something else!!

Today someone I know slightly asked me how I am doing-and I gave my stock answer, which is "very well, and how are you doing?". What else can you say, really? Nobody wants to hear anyone else complain - we all have our own problems. I know how I feel when I ask someone how they are, and I am stuck with having them tell me (for a headache-inducing twenty or thirty minutes) about their bunions, hemorrhoids, back pain, everything pain, gallstones...they are enough to give me gallstones, I swear!!! So I finally got wise to it all, and when I see those people I say hello and say that I am late, I will see them soon. "Soon" means not in this lifetime!!!!

I started thinking about dreams, goals, aspirations-well, I started two years ago, when it seemed that all mine were taken from me. Now, two years down the road, I think I'm lucky to have got this far. Some dreams just are that: dreams. I would like to think that we can do and be anything we choose-but, realistically, that isn't always the case. Example: I won't be training as an astronaut any time soon! So that is what I mean by being realistic.

I went into the storage unit this morning-and that always brings back memories. It also brings aggravation, lots of dust, and a feeling of - how on earth did I accumulate this much stuff??? And I found-wait for it-a pair of leather trousers, a leather waistcoat (with lots of zips), and a leather jacket. Happily,the mice left all those alone. Of course, I brought them home with me. And I tried them on. And they fit. I look like a bike chick. Maybe, at this stage, I look like a bike granny. And I couldn't care less what other people think, I'm going to wear them anyway-with my leather cap. They are all black. I like to think I look dangerous (I said I have dreams, didn't I?). I will have to wait until I can leave my walking stick home. Heh.

My dream - and this is an achievable goal, I think- is to live to around 95 (maybe 96), be fully compos mentis, have all my physical faculties, too - there is no point living to a ripe old age if you are decrepit and don't remember who you are, is there? I'm 95 or 96 (by that time, I'll be aiming for 100), I'm driving down the Pacific Coast Highway (if California hasn't fallen into the sea by then), with the wind in my hair and my 75 year old toyboy sitting behind me.

Just watch me make it happen!

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