Thursday 13 September 2012

Stress? WHAT stress??????

How is it that we can put a man on the moon-well, we did that, so it doesn't count here (even though the Brits would love to take credit for it!!!) - okay, then, how is it that and Englishman was responsible for the jet engine - and Messrs Rolls and Royce once made great motorcars, as well as airplane engines - and I can think of many discoveries that were here first - then again, What else was made in Britain? Yep-the Titanic.

Okay, so how is it that British Telecom (also known as Bloody Terrible) has all these alleged fantastic deals on phones, broadband, television service-but they are unable to fix a cable out in the road - a cable they (in their infinite brilliance) sliced through - three months ago, leaving me to have to go to an internet cafe for internet service??

How is it that the company is unable (or unwilling) to fix something they broke?? Go figure!! No wonder I bailed out of using BT years ago; the only problem is that all the wiring is theirs, and other service providers pay them to use the lines that they break (and can't fix!!).

When you live here, you get very used to idiots: bad service, incompetence, rudeness, and downright stupidity. But this really takes the cake-and there is never an apology, possibly because all the call centers seem to be out of this country (they are out of the country; they are in a place where nobody speaks English!!!).

I think that we should import experts-or, rather, experienced technicians in every field-from somewhere that actually trains them.

So what can I expect, when I am in a place where the average IQ is less than that of a doorknob???

I wouldn't swear to this-but I think I might take up drinking (alcohol, that is). For one thing, I would fit right in with everyone else who lives here. For another thing, they would still be idiots, but I would be past caring!!!!

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