Wednesday 26 September 2012

Foot in mouth-again!

I put my foot in my mouth so often, I think I should just leave it there. Of  course, I was born without an immune system-but it seems I was born without patience, too--and tact and diplomacy. What the hell-I've reached the age where I just call things as I see them. I'm amazed I got this far, frankly!

It was a very wet week; I am not great in the rain, although I am better than I was two years ago - or even six months ago. I can tell that my balance and vision have suffered over the past few days, though; when it rains, I feel like just hibernating. And that is a huge mistake, because that is exactly when I should be getting myself out and walking. So I've been very naughty this week, because I haven't done what I am supposed to be doing. It doesn't matter how I feel, I need to just do it. And keep doing it, regardless of how I feel about it.

Yesterday I had my semi-annual visit with my chest consultant. Off I went to the London Chest Hospital, and I want to say that it was a waste of time-but I had to do lung function tests, and they showed that my lungs haven't got any worse than the tests they did last year. That is a good sign-I actually had a good sign!! BUT- the crippler (Sofia Grigoriadou) was also present, since the clinic is a joint one. ~When the consultant asked how I am, I said that I am still crippled. After I said that, the crippler had the sense to sink into a chair in the corner.

Well, me and my big mouth!! After just about poisoning myself with all the bug spray, the citronella candles and the citronella oils, I felt very, very sick-and I had severe, drenching night sweats. Did I say I had sweats-just before I am due to go to New York? Oh, yes I did-and I forgot to add the bit about the citronella, because I felt like a complete idiot. Now, Lieske (the chest expert) wants to put me in the hospital for a week of more intravenous antibiotics.

Did I agree to go? Very, very reluctantly. Am I going? Oh, hell no, I'm not going. I'm not giving anyone the opportunity to do anything to me to prevent my getting the hell out of here-not after two horrific years I'm not.

So I've decided not to answer my phone until Friday night, when it will be too late for the hospital to book me in. Fingers crossed that there will be no beds available until - oooh, next Wednesday or Thursday, so I can say forget it, if I'm sick when I return I can go in then.

Foot in mouth. Up to the femur. A very big oops for telling the truth- at least, this time. The only thing that will keep me from going to New York will be complete nuclear destruction.   

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