Thursday 6 September 2012

I need a hitman. And a flame thrower!

There are times when you feel like you need someone to go to bat for you-with a bat. Or a shotgun. Or a couple of friends...this is one of those times. Unfortunately, I don't know any obliging hitmen-and I don't have any violent friends, either (which can only be a good thing, since the prat upstairs isn't worth a prison sentence).

And-the flame thrower is for my place. That would cure the damp, the mould, the noise, and the fact that I am the world's biggest procrastinator, so I wouldn't have to spend any more time throwing things out!!

Oh, dream on!!! What a nice fantasy, after all...

So I had the surveyor examine the flat today-and he said that there is nothing they will be able to do to cure the damp. In other words, Haringey won't fix it. Well-they don't even collect refuse, why on earth would they cough up the funds to fix the building? I can now happily look for something to rent privately, and then I don't have to depend on a bunch of jobsworths who have less brains than a snickerdoodle.

Tomorrow I go to Queen Square for my last ever vestibular assessment. It was due to happen in May-but my physio left the vestibular rotation, I was in the hospital, and it just kept being pushed back. That could be a good thing, since I've had more time to walk. If there was an Olympic medal for walking, I'll bet I would get a gold. And I feel like charging the hospital for mileage!!

Next week I must return to the storage unit-and I have to be ruthless in getting rid of stuff. There won't be my usual "oh, I can use this", when I haven't seen an item for five years! I have moved so many times in the past few years, I am practically an expert when it comes to packing boxes. I've obviously missed a great opportunity: a mobile packing service! Much more fun than, say, party planning. I get to throw out other people's junk!!

I bought two portable, battery operated insect repelling machines yesterday. Actually, they seemed to work. Of course, I also bought something called "Jungle Formula". It contains a huge amount of Deet, which is great for repelling mosquitoes, and midges, and other people-I wonder what damage it is doing to my system. Perhaps I'm getting rid of the midges - but embalming myself at the same time!!

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