Tuesday 11 September 2012

For once, a serious one

Some events make history-and not in a good way. Eleven years ago, on September 11, 2001, was such an event: the genocide of nearly 3,000 innocent people. And I wouldn't feel right by ignoring it, because it had an impact on me that will probably last forever.

I remember exactly where I was when the first tower was hit: I was in the kitchen making coffee, and my (now ex) husband shouted at me to come into the living room, where he was watching the news. I couldn't believe what was happening; as I watched the events unfold, I burst into tears. I was practically cemented to the television for the rest of the day (part of me wants to joke about that not being a good look, but I will restrain myself!!).

That evening, my husband could hardly wait to turn to me and tell me that we deserved it, since we never had a terrorist attack on American soil. I was so shocked at the hatred in his eyes-I knew that I just didn't want to be married to the man any more. Actually, I knew that many years before-and it still took me another fifteen months before I filed for a divorce. And, by the way, after the genocide of my own people (most of them) in my own home city - and his heartless comments - I didn't speak to him for a week. I told him what I thought of him - not much, as it happens - and I walked out of the room and refused to speak to him. I tried to call my friends and family in New York, and the international lines were crashing; everyone else had the same idea.

There was an outpouring of grief and shock that spread around the world - and, for awhile, the Brits were unnervingly nice. That didn't last very long.

If you really want to know what it is like to be an American living in the UK, you have to ask an American who has been here for many years, and who isn't rich and well-connected. It's no good asking an actress who names her child after a fruit. Really-imagine if Gwynnie's favorite fruit was a kumquat! And the next one: presumably she can't spell Mohammed. I'm not really poking fun at the poor creature-but she has doomed those children to years of psychotherapy, after which they will probably turn into serial killers. No surprise there!!

So here we are on September 11th - and I can't help wondering how many people (excepting the ones who lost someone in the bombings) are looking back eleven years and thinking that this was the day the world lost what innocence it had.

I feel sad. I also wasn't paying attention to where I was going, and I fell over. So I am now bruised and sad!! Time for a strong coffee - and a few prayers for those who were left behind.

I hear all the good holy rollers who say we should forgive-but how can anyone forgive genocide? How is it that this world has come to such evil-and all in the name of religion!

There are so many good, honest, kind people in this world. Let's all go out for a pizza.

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