Friday 16 November 2012

Once more, into the fray!

I will stick my neck out-as usual-and say that someone needs to pass a law that bans butt-cracks in public. Really! There seems to be a trend, and not only in this country: boys (and young men, who really should know better) are walking around with their jeans/trousers with crotch down to their knees and their butt-crack showing for all to see. It's nice for them, I'm sure, but very gross for the rest of us!

Now, am I wrong in saying that nobody really wants to see someone else's butt-crack being flashed in public-especially before breakfast!!-because it does definitely put us off our food? I've been behind guys who have backsides full of acne, or just really unattractive-and, guys, all the hair! It isn't a rose bush you are growing, you know!!

Add to that the fact that these guys are typically very ugly-and very repulsive. Women are far too sensible to show off like that-unless, of course, they come from Essex. And guys who show off their ugly, fat, hairy, acne ridden butt-cracks aren't attractive. In fact, they are decidedly un-sexy. There is nothing sexy about having your trouser crotch hanging to your knees and your butt-crack flashing those of us who haven't eaten. It's only sexy to people in Essex-not to anyone else-but then, those people have absolutely no taste anyway.
So, guys, use a belt. Pull up those trousers, stop flashing us. Wear a mask. In fact, wear a paper bag over your heads. On second thought, make it a plastic bag! Have sympathy for people with weak stomachs.

You can see what kind of a week I've had! I did go to the gym, and to see my friend the acupuncturist (yesterday); I've had to fight with my lawyer to get her moving on this court case, too. I seem to be fighting a lot in that area-but it's better to stand up for yourself and fight than be a wimp and have people walk all over you!!

It has been three weeks since I returned from my trip to New York-and it feels like I never left. It's back to business as usual. Would I go back if I could? Are you kidding? You bet I would-but the prospect seems very unlikely. So I have to learn - as my friend NJ advised me - to find something positive and to focus on that. I can offer that good advice to everyone-because otherwise you drive yourself into depression, and I know that from experience. I've spent long enough being depressed. It doesn't change anything, it just wastes your life. All you get is older. And you feel older, too.

I'm getting ready for my bionic knee, and I guess that will happen within the next few weeks (allegedly). I think I have until the middle of December to get very strong-so that is why I'm doing the gym four days a week. I'm not feeling bionic; I'm feeling knackered!! I was in better shape before the gentamicin, of course-now I'm like a big lump on the treadmill. That will change in four weeks!

All this exercise-I'll need to go into the hospital. I'll need the rest! I did ask Mr. Skinner to put me on morphine until Easter, so I don't feel any pain-he just laughed at me. Well-it was a good idea, anyway.

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