Thursday 8 November 2012

The bread and water diet

Tuesday was, indeed, a very bad day for America-and Americans-and, by extension, for the rest of the world. I had a strong feeling that Odious Obama would be re-elected-better the devil you know than the devil you don't- even if this lying git will "take his people forward"-over the nearest cliff, no doubt. Obama is to the USA what Tony Blair was to Britain: a modern-day Nero, fiddling while his country burns, and stealing and spending as much of the taxpayers' money as he could get his hands on.

Well-I said we will all be on bread and water, so I think we should all learn how to bake!! And I have beaten the subject of this pathetic election to death-except to wonder how we could allow a billion dollars to be spent on re-electing a dirtbag. In fact, how could we allow a billion dollars to be spent on electing anyone?? The mind boggles; that billion could have gone into healthcare, housing the homeless (nobody in America should be allowed to be homeless!!), and a dozen other things that need help. It is just plain wrong. Am I the only one who thinks this is not just wrong, but obscene?

We will know who bought and paid for Obama soon enough-when we know the identities of his cabinet, his advisors, and, of course, when we see what deals he tries to make. Whoever bought him will soon be in his face, expecting to be paid. Too bad that we are the ones who suffer.

So, enough doom and gloom...Tuesday was bad enough. For me, Wednesday wasn't too great, either.I went to  Stanmore, only to discover that I do need double knee surgery. What a bummer!! This is all from the times I fell down two flights of stairs (due to the gentamicin-so much for Sofia Grigoriadou, whom I now have nicknamed 007-licensed to kill ), and from 18 months of falling over, knees first much of the time. I have completely destroyed one knee and have torn the cartilage in the other.

I rang my solicitor after the appointment. She was very sympathetic, but also a bit pleased, I think. The longer Barts messes around, the more things go wrong because of the incompetence of the three doctors who should have known better, the higher the settlement will be-so my lawyer and I are both hearing the sound of ker-ching. I'm going to hit them for as much as I can get out of them, and I'm not going to settle for a pittance. Too bad we don't have class action suits in this country!!

My consultant, Mr. Skinner, wants to do the surgery (the major one first) before Christmas. As he pointed out, while my various conditions are relatively stable, we can really make me hurt (no, he didn't say that-I did!). I had a little cry when I got home yesterday-but I have approximately four weeks (I hope) to really get in shape for surgery. On the bright side: once I have healed completely (six months or so), as long as I don't fall on my knee again I should feel a lot better.

How about that: I will be bionic by Christmas!! Pass the wine. And the Jack Daniel's (not together!!!!).

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