Saturday 3 November 2012

Vote for the mouse

Ten days ago I was in New York-standing at Ground Zero, staring up at the Freedom Tower; I walked around Wall Street and Chambers Street, and when I finished at the memorial, lit a candle at St. Paul's Church, and had my little walkabout, I went into the subway tunnel without a second thought. I very nearly stayed days longer. Imagine- I would have been able to see the destruction of Hurricane Sandy. I predict that Sandy will not be on the top list of baby's names for a long time to come!!

This hasn't been an easy week; I have had severe balance issues, and my eyes went completely funny (to use a technical term!)-I think I might have picked up a bug on the plane, which wouldn't be a surprise, since that is the best place to get something nasty (except, of course, for hospitals). I'm on the mend now, I think.

Now that the media has criticized the handling of Sandy for nearly a week (as if those idiots could do any better!), we are on to the Presidential election. Do I have an opinion? Come on, is the Pope Catholic??

I never liked Obama. I didn't trust him, I didn't think he had any experience, and my feelings have been completely verified, as far as I am concerned. The second he took credit for the Bin Laden capture-what a set of stones the man has!!-I thought he could never be trusted. He offended his people, he seriously insulted the security forces (who spent so much time and effort, and whose bravery is without question-unlike the president), and I was irked, but not surprised. Odious Obama, Barack the Useless-he has turned out to be rubbish in the White House.

And he will probably get in for a second term, because people will think of him as the lesser of two evils-or, better the devil you know than the devil you don't-rather than someone who is capable of doing a good job - which he clearly is not. I'm 100% with the people who say he is a liar, a hypocrite, cannot be trusted, and is a man of the people-but only a small percentage of the people. I think Obama will lead the people of America (and probably the rest of the Western world) over the edge of a cliff.

We can, of course, vote someone out of office after four years. We can tell him to get his tail out of the White House by going to vote and letting his opposition put his money where his mouth is. The beauty of a democracy is that, if someone makes a million promises and doesn't even start to deliver in four years (but spends his time campaigning and taking holidays, and posing endlessly for photo ops), we can send him packing just by saying no.

I think we need to give Romney a chance-although I'm not crazy about him, either. If he fails to deliver, or even begin to deliver, he needs to know not to get too cozy in Pennsylvania Avenue, because he will be out on his behind in the next election.

Personally, I would have voted for the mouse if I could have written in a vote: Minnie Mouse, not Mickey Mouse. This country had Maggie Thatcher, a strong leader if there ever was one-she had more balls than all the politicians in Whitehall (easy to do, since they are a load of wusses anyway). She didn't pussyfoot around, she called it as she saw it, and scared the living crap out of all the people around her.

Get rid of Pinky and Perky (Cameron and Clegg, the useless duo in charge of the UK), get rid of Barack the Useless, and put women in charge. We don't do all the chest thumping, or the testosterone-induced posturing and basic BS - we just get the job done.

And do we ever have jobs that need doing!! Blair and Bush drove both countries to near-destruction. We need people who are honest, and ethical, and very ballsy to pull both nations out of the toilet.

Then again, saying "honest" and "ethical" in the same sentence as "politician" - hmmm...we are kind of screwed, aren't we??

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