Monday 5 November 2012

Say hello to Black Tuesday

It will be Black Tuesday tomorrow: it's the day that Odious Obama will be re-elected to spend another four years doing nothing but taking taxpayer-funded vacations with his taxpayer-funded (read expensive) family, preening like a sick peacock, flexing his muscles for the media (scary at best; vomit-inducing at worst), and generally doing nothing but lying and taking credit for things he didn't do. A typical politician: a liar, a hypocrite, and a useless prat.

It's Black Tuesday: he can spend the next four years with his head up his ass-just like he spent the last four years!!! This is what happens when voters are left to choose the (perceived) lesser of two evils-or, better the devil you know than the devil you don't. And we still haven't learned our lessons!!!Sad, isn't it?

Britain and the United States have one thing in common (apart from a similar language, that is): we have leadership that is absolute crap. Apart from Maggie Thatcher, Britain hasn't had a strong leader since Churchill. And we haven't had a strong leader since Franklin D Roosevelt. I don't count Kennedy, a man who couldn't keep it in his pants (and ditto Clinton, who will forever be remembered for his pointing to the cameras and telling a huge, cosmic-sized whopper about Monica Lewinsky-what a blatant liar!!!).

Then there is Barack the Useless, who calls himself a man of the people. Whose people?? Not mine (Americans), that is for sure. He was quick to take credit for Bin Laden, when the credit belonged to the Special Forces - Obama had nothing to do with any of it. What a lying, disgusting pile of crap he is for doing that!! But where was he when everything else (like the banking fiascos) took place? Playing golf? On the beach? Taking yet another vacation? Being smarmy and smug for the cameras, and placing the blame on anyone he could find? I say: it was the last choice. And this is the stinking pile of shite we are going to put back into the Oval Office for another four years of the same.

Obama will do to my country what the hated Tony Blair did to this one: dig a hole and dump us so far down it that it will take years (decades, even) to pull ourselves out. Blair screwed his people something rotten-and Obama is doing the same. Our two countries have something else in common: we never learn, do we?

We need to boot this prat out of the White House before he does any more damage. I say give someone else a chance-and if he is useless, get rid of him in four years and get someone else into power. I think that is called democracy: we have a vote, so why not use it?

Obama will go down in history as being mediocre, at best-and being a useless, lying piece of crap at worst. He is our first black president-and he will probably be the last for a very, very long time. That will be his legacy: ruining the chances for any other black people who just might be - capable (unlike Obama)!! Some legacy, indeed. Too bad Colin Powell didn't want the job; I would have voted for him in a heartbeat.

Britain has Cameron and Clegg-talk about useless and hopeless, and out of touch!! - and we have Obama. What have any of us done to deserve them? Mind you, I suppose we get the government we deserve, after all. We need to all start thinking before we elect idiots like these; we need to start voting with our feet.

In four years - unless there is a nuclear war, which will, of course, be Obama's fault - I will be able to say I told you so!! By then, all Americans (except Obama and his friends) will be on a diet of bread and water, because the state of the economy will be that bad. Well-at least we will all be thin-very, very thin.

I am, of course, joking about nuclear war (or am I?). But I will still be able to do something I never do: to everyone who voted for Barack the Useless, I will say: I told you so!!!

Meanwhile, I am stocking up on bread, just in case!

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