Saturday 22 December 2012

Only five more days to go

Oh joy-nearly Christmas. Escuse me, but wasn't the world supposed to end? Honestly, I am less worried about the world ending and more concerned about the world continuing as it is!!

I had a major disagreement (okay, a fight-verbal, though) with the nutjob upstairs. He was hammering all night Wednesday-who hammers all night? These aren't large flats-who hammers incessantly for two years? I swear, the man is bonkers and should be locked up somewhere.

So, on Thursday night-when it started again-I went upstairs and pounded on his door. He was shouting from behind a closed door, so I started to go back downstairs-and suddenly he came hurtling out of his flat, with his lodger hanging onto him to keep him from attacking me (or for whatever reason), and I had a go. He started to swear at me, and threaten me, and at one point he grabbed his groin and started to pull the zipper down, telling me he was going to urinate on me. Such class!! Such insanity!! I told him to go ahead, that it is probably so small that nobody could find it-but, I said, I will find it even if I have to use a microscope-then I will cut it off.

I was fuming. I went downstairs, rang the Haringey noise team (they are so useless), and yesterday morning I rang the antisocial behaviour team, the council, and the police. We will see what happens-probably nothing.

I wish I knew the kinds of people who would go up there and beat seven kinds of crap out of him, and tell him that if he doesn't stop, they will beat him some more!!!

Obviously he comes from a country where women are treated as less than cockroaches. Grrrr!!! Too bad I don't  have a black belt. I would hit him with it.

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