Thursday 13 December 2012

So much for "call me bionic"

I went to the gym yesterday-and did upper body exercises, nearly rupturing myself in preparation for using crutches after the operation. Well- I am exaggerating! I worked hard, though, and I'm paying for it the next day! But that was fine, because I'm one of those strange people who actually likes the gym (once I force myself to get up and go, that is). But, then, I like brussels sprouts, too, so what can one say??

At 9:00 last night, I received a phone call from the anesthetist at the RNOH (the same person who kept me waiting for forty minutes outside his office the other day, you might remember...I still don't know what he was doing, but at least I didn't hear any heavy breathing when I stood outside his door). The surgery has been cancelled-or, rather, postponed-and no date has been set.

Apparently, there seemed to be a question about an echocardiogram I had when I was an inpatient in 2010-the rather infamous period of the gentamicin poisoning-and the people at the RNOH are not very happy. They want me to have another echo and they want me to be seen by a cardiologist. It seems I have something called "Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome". I did see this on various pieces of correspondence from Barts in the last two years-but when I questioned it, I was dismissed by the immunology consultant: it's nothing, it has to do with the gut problems, I was told. Now the RNOH wants to be certain that there is nothing wrong with my heart.

Clearly, the people at the RNOH are far more thorough and competent than the people at Barts and the London-no wonder so many people sue them!!! And-since my heart is one of my all time favorite organs (and I never had a problem with it before), I discussed with the doc last night about contacting my GP and having her refer me for an echocardiogram. Best to be on the safe side, after all. I learned that after dealing with the three dumb monkeys at the Royal London!

So, the surgery will be rescheduled once the echo has been done. And I was not a happy bunny last night, I can tell you! I rang the office number at the Royal London, and who should pick up but Hilary Longhurst (the immunologist I fired last year)? I was shocked: it was after 9pm, so what was she doing there? Anyway, I left a message for Matt (the new Hilary), and Longhurst proceeded to tell me that I would have to go through my GP for the echo (I knew this anyway, and that was my intention, but Longhurst also pointed out that they are immunologists, and don't have anything to do with ordering other tests. That's another lie out of her mouth, because the immunologists ordered the test in 2010). It never ceases to amaze me, how the people at Barts and the London just lie without even thinking about it!!

I must admit I felt upset at having to wait an unspecified period of time for the surgery-but I'm not fussed about being bionic at the moment! I decided to put a positive spin on this new development: now I have more time to get myself really fit for surgery. So it'll be the gym at least three times a week (preferably four) and I will heal more quickly. Well-either that, or fall flat on my face when I try to master crutches!

I will have a bionic-free Christmas, and actually have muscles by the time I have surgery. I can do a lot between now and then (and all those Kettle Chips...yum).

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