Saturday 2 February 2013

A bit like Humpty Dumpty

Why buy a dog if you have to do the barking yourself??

Wednesday was my day to go to the storage unit-to get everything out, bleach the floor (allegedly), and put everything back-with some semblance of order. That didn't work out the way I expected.

I got there at 8am, and the storage people were getting their man and his helper to clear the big unit, in addition to the two smaller units (used to clear parts of the big unit so we could get into it to see the mouse damage). Well!! The old guy who showed up was called David; his helper, the muscles, was Norman. They turned out to be more interested in the contents of the boxes than in moving and shifting stuff-and David decided that he had another job at 1pm, so he left Norman to finish up. It turned out to be Norman-and me. And we finished at 4:30, no breaks, nothing to eat or was purgatory! I got so dizzy at about 2pm that I nearly keeled over in the corridor. Poor Norman thought I was about to expire. BUT-it all got done, although not very well, and there is a lot of damage-not only from mice, but also from David and Norman!!
I got home at about 6:45, feeling like Humpty Dumpty, and wishing that there was somebody who could put me back together again. It took me until today to recover from this very interesting day trip to Hell.

I'm just about finished with all the hospital visits; I have a few in March, and that is about it-until the big knee surgery, and I'm not sure when that will take place. I'm not rushing anything!! I have nearly all of February to myself-first time in two and a half years that I actually have time off. I wonder if I'll be bored!!

NJ emailed me, saying that she thinks she is bipolar, since she has periods of feeling very happy and filled with energy, and other moments of feeling like she doesn't want to go anywhere or see anyone. I think she isn't bipolar (now the trendy term for manic depression), but just moody. That got me thinking-about life, and expectations, and disappointments. We both thought our lives would turn out differently-and we were both wrong.

NJ learned all the right things: how to cook, how to sew, all the homemaking stuff girls learn when they think they will marry and have children, and have dinner parties, and all that good stuff. She always wanted a home. Now-I can cook, but I will never win Master Chef! And, as for sewing...well, what I get when I attempt to sew is a lot of swearing and a substantial amount of blood loss. Sewing? That is why there are tailors!! And cooking?? Hey-God bless whoever invented takeaways.

I can honestly say-at this point in my life-that I have learned to be independent and self-sufficient, in spite of the events of the last two and a half years. A good man would be nice to have around-but there is no substitute for a really good microwave!!!!!!

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