Tuesday 19 February 2013

Chomped on by the big black dog-again

Well-this hasn't been the greatest of weeks, I must say. The big black dog suddenly returned-without warning-and chomped on my backside. What a bite! You'd think it would be smaller (the backside, not the dog!!). No such luck.

I slept a lot, and I felt really sorry for myself. Of course, Valentine's Day-lots of happy people around. But-in fairness to myself (and all the divorced/single/widowed/other) and everyone else, there were also lots of unhappy people around. So I told myself to remember that I am so much better off without some bully telling me how useless I am-and leaving the toilet seat up!!

I returned to some semblance of normal yesterday. I think all the sleep (most of it very poor, and very fitful), and the gloom, and being really quite pissed off with life and with everyone in it, spurred me on, got me out of my black mood-and, also, I just bored myself into action. There is nothing quite like boredom to get someone moving!! Skip the self-help tapes and books. Just hang out with yourself, really feel self-pity, and bore yourself into action. That will be £50 please!!

Well, I didn't go to the gym yesterday. I did, however, clean the kitchen. I took the curtains down and spotted a load of black mold around the windowframe-so I got out the old bleach solution and cleaned it, from inside and from outside. There are some perks to living on the ground floor: you can clean your windows and not fall and cripple yourself! I did really well; I wasn't even dizzy.

I've been hearing from the guy I dated about seven or eight years ago. I think I wrote about him about 100+ posts ago: alcoholic, an abusive pothead, a compulsive liar-just the kind of person nobody in their right mind wants to bring home to meet the parents!! He is on my phone, so I can delete him most of the time. But his texts have been increasingly vulgar and weird-and I used to find it amusing to insult him (so easy, it's pathetic), but now I just hit delete. I'm not changing my number for one crazy person.

That-and Valentine's Day-started me thinking about relationships. Of course, I ruminated for a few days. It would be nice to actually date someone-someone who is, in my estimation, normal. No alcoholics, or brain-damaged dope addicts, no misogynists, serial killers, misanthropes, bullies, abusers, retards-no, I have boundaries (finally). And the boundaries cover all relationships, not just the romantic ones. I've had enough bipolar and schizophrenic people banging on the door, thanks. My old landlord, for example! Nothing like having someone who is certifiably insane banging on the door in the middle of the night because she is feeling "insecure". Eeek: I wanted to give her something to feel insecure about!! Instead, I moved out. My next landlord lived about 100 miles north, so I felt really safe...

Every parent should (in my opinion) provide their children with-in addition to "that" conversation about where babies come from, and why a girl is foolish to get pregnant too early-a discussion about deal breakers in a relationship. The qualities I just noted above-aren't they deal breakers? Who wants to be with someone who lies, cheats, takes drugs, is brain dead from alcohol (or just plain brain dead), is so insecure that he (or she) relentlessly bullies their partner and tries to build themselves up by tearing the person who is closest to them down? It's better to be free than to be abused. My thoughts over my week of hibernation, anyway.

Personally, I would rather masturbate with a cheese grater than get into a rotten relationship just because there is someone there who has a pulse-regardless of his lack of suitability (and integrity).

So there is a visual for you!! And-yes, I am back!! What style!! LOL!!!!

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