Tuesday 26 February 2013

On self-congratulations

Ah, what a time it has been. I decided that I have to walk more-and exercise more-and do it consistently, because I'm now just awaiting a surgery date. So I will be on crutches, with no balance system, and that will be amusing-to someone, at least. I need to be strong enough to keep myself from falling over. And-I'm feeling the pressure!

So-I walked and walked on Sunday, and I have my trusty pedometer app-I do mean, I walked. Everywhere. And at the end of it all, I only walked 9,945 steps. I don't know what that is in miles, but I was knackered at the end of the day, and had to just sit down and have a bit of a rest. Eeek-what an ordeal!

I now have decided that, since it was so difficult on Sunday, I will need to repeat the exercise as often as I can. So-yesterday I did it all again. And this time I walked for 10,330 steps. I thought I was about to expire! Out of shape, or what? I just need to keep going. By the time I go into the hospital for my knee repair, I will be very strong, and muscular, and I will have a stronger cardiovascular system. Either that or I will need CPR. By the time I go into Stanmore, I will need the rest!!

Thank goodness the academy awards ceremony is finished. I didn't watch it-I never do. The sight of all these rich people giving each other awards, and congratulating themselves (and each other), and practically crawling up everyone's backside-ewww, it makes me want to vomit. Really-first it was the Oscars. Then it was the poor man's Oscars-the Baftas. And the Emmys, and the Tonys, and the soap awards, and all the stepchildren of the original awards-because, after all, everyone needs to be so nauseatingly false, and self-congratulatory, and sickeningly phony-and most of the time, I would probably disagree with the winner anyway. These guys spend so much time crawling up everyone else's asses, it's a wonder they have time to make movies (or television, or theatre, or music).

I congratulate myself, too-but I do that when I achieve something really special-like walking 10,300 steps without falling in front of moving traffic. And speaking of walking-it's time to at least match my 10,300. I will keep you informed-as I try not to keel over from exhaustion.

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