Saturday 23 February 2013

And a few things I forgot-again

I meant to add a few things to the deal breaker list: people who are psychotic, psychopathic, deeply insecure, completely stupid, incredibly boring-and, obviously, those who are completely insane-oh, yes, and those who are grade A, blue ribbon, card carrying, award winning, irredeemable wankers.

That about covers it, I think. I would have added "short"- but some of the best people I know are short. I didn't say attractive; I said short. I'm 5'3" - so figure that one out!! LOL!!

I have a recurrent dream about buying a house. It is surrounded by a very high wall, has a moat and a drawbridge-and is in the middle of nowhere. I told this to someone in my meditation group, and two people immediately said they want to come and visit, probably permanently. So that says a lot about the way people here feel about each other.

Just for the record: at home, people complain about the cost of gas-and rightly so, it is ridiculously expensive. But here-if you want to go put gas in your car, you will pay $15 per gallon. That is what I said: $15 per gallon!! No wonder everyone I know wants to emigrate!! Of  course, that would be everyone except the people from Essex, where the favorite pastime is inbreeding.

We are expecting more snow, so I am gearing up for it. I think I will go out and walk anyway. I'm awaiting a knee surgery date, and that won't be long now. So I have to really get as strong as I can. Muscles like a sparrow's kneecaps won't exactly cut it!

I have to say that, in two years and seven months, I have learned the difference between acceptance and resignation. It's been really difficult-and there are things I need to accept if I am going to move forward. One of these is: never trust a doctor. Another is: never trust a lawyer. And another: the more people I meet-or, rather, duck as many are so totally braindead they expect me to sprint out of their way-the more I love animals (the four footed variety).

Give me a dog any day. In fact, a chimp would be a good companion. They are so much smarter than some of us!!

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