Tuesday 10 April 2012

My chocolate bunny is missing!

I haven't had the greatest Easter weekend. It turned cold and wet-and when the weather changes, my body becomes a barometer, and my balance (such as it is) goes out the window - as does my vision. Very unpleasant!! So I just hung out with it all, and tried to be philosophical, rather than angry and bitter (as I have been for the last 19 months). I walked in the rain, and nearly succeeded in doing my exercises (looking up and down while walking, looking left and right while walking) without falling over. I caught myself once-not bad, considering that last year at this time I couldn't manage even a few steps outside in the rain!!

On Easter sunday I looked for the Easter bunny - I figured that, after everything I have been through, he would at least show up, sit and look at me, lift his leg and give me a chocolate egg ( a chocolate egg-not a pile of something brown and smelly, lilke the employees of Haringey!!). Alas, no bunny in sight-and no chocolate egg. Oh, boo-at least I was able to get myself to the store last week (very prescient of me, I might add!) and buy myself a Lindt's chocolate bunny. Yum. I do like Lindt's chocolates-although I somehow don't feel right about biting off the poor thing's ear.

I didn't manage to get to the museum this last weekend; it was my intention to do so, but the weather was too big a challenge. I think I need to make small journeys before I do such a big one: baby steps. After 19 months, you would think I would be beyond the baby step stage-but I comfort myself by realizing that I just have to keep at it, one day at a time, and some days are easier than others!

I haven't done the windows yet; happily, the rain did them for me!! I can write off the last few days-I didn't accomplish any of the things I wanted to do, but I managed to adjust my attitude. I need to learn patience. Oh, but what a huge pain in the posterior that is!!

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