Tuesday 3 April 2012

Thinking about my nine lives (I wish)

Well, it's Tuesday...and soon I will have more free time, because all the hospital visits are coming to an end for the summer-and thank God for that!!! I've been prodded, poked, bled, irradiated, scanned up the wazoo-and I am hoping all the doctors are as bored with all of this as I am!!

I nearly got killed yesterday. Huh-I thought at the time that if I was a cat, I would have gone through all nine lives at once!! And-this taught me to be vigilant, for once.

I was walking up the road, and there is a pedestrian crossing at the end of it. Some genius from the council (Haringey-where else??) has decided to close the crossing so that some roadworks can be done. That would be fine, but for the fact that the nearest crossing is another 100 yards-in the opposite direction. So-I have been walking around huge orange barriers, and crossing the main road on the crossing itself. Sounds easy-and it is, when there is no traffic!

I don't know where my head was: up my rectum, I think! I didn't look properly, or I would have seen a big red double-decker bus coming straight for me. Happily - for me - he stopped just prior to applying me to the road - and he was waving his arms around, and cursing!! I said I was sorry-but I think I probably scared him as much as he scared me, because he very nearly hit me.It isn't a good idea to fight with a bus: that is most definitely a lose-lose situation. And a messy one, too!!

I now know that I must be more awake at all times: vigilant, mindful, aware, cautious!! That was a really close call. And my balance and vision were really badly affected for the rest of the day-no surprise there, since everything seems to affect me!

I'm very proud of myself for getting down on my hands and knees-and not by falling over, either!- and washing my kitchen and bathroom floors two days ago. It took me hours-and, believe me, my bathroom and kitchen are so small that a legless dwarf should be able to do the floors in twenty minutes!! It took me about two hours. But, the point is, I did it myself, and didn't get someone else to do it for me. After 85 weeks of being able to do just about nothing, this was an awesome achievement.

Who knew I would be so proud of cleaning a floor? Really-I absolutely have to get out more!! Imagine how I will go on and on when I am able to do windows!!!

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