Saturday 14 April 2012

Road trip to Intercourse

I worked in Bucks County, Pennsylvania, for a couple of years, and I used to jump in the car and drive everywhere, just to see the countryside. I remember seeing a sign "Intercourse" - I have to admit, I laughed so hard, I nearly crashed the car. Intercourse? What about it? Was someone having some? Were they filming it? Was I being invited to join in? Really-I thought that either someone was joking, or someone was filming a porn video. Who knew? And who knew that there are a lot of places with funny (and suggestive) names like Intercourse? Personally, I thought it was a great idea: what a conversation stopper!!

I mention all this because there is also a town in Pennsylvania called Wawa. Yes, that's right: Wawa. And how do I know this? Have I been there? No-but there are shops all over Bucks County called Wawa. Of course, I just had to stop in, just to see what the big deal was (if there was a big deal); who would call a shop Wawa? Sounds like something to do with babies-either that, or it's just weird.

It turns out that Wawa makes coffee. The stores carry all kinds of things, much like the corner shops that exist here-but Wawa makes their own coffee brand. I tried the hazelnut, and I became a convert. I used to stop there at least once a day for a large cup of hazelnut coffee, and I was in heaven (so easily pleased, aren't I? LOL). Sadly, though, they don't export to the UK-or anywhere outside the U.S. I know; I called them and checked. So I will have to wait until I go back for a visit until I can satisfy my craving for Wawa hazelnut coffee!!

You might think this is all irrelevant somehow-but, no, it really is relevant, because it brings me neatly back to the subject of coffee!! I've done a taste test: Starbucks against everyone else in this town. I've tasted coffee in just about every coffee place in my area-and that's a lot of coffee in a lot of places, I can tell you!! This, of course, gives me the incentive to get walking, and I do a lot of that before I reward myself with a drink (a coffee drink, not an alcoholic drink, since I am dizzy enough already!!).

I can truthfully say that Starbucks comes in way ahead of everyone else. There is a reason the Brits are known for tea-and it's a good thing, because their coffee could easily double as paint stripper. When I visit someone, I always ask for tea if I am given the choice. I can't swear to it, but I think that some people use battery acid. Someone pass a law: the Brits stick to making tea, and the Americans stick to making coffee.
I haven't yet been able to rate some of the "coffee bars" low enough. Sorry, guys, but your coffee sucks.

When Starbucks first opened in the UK, my then-husband (English through and through, bless him) saw me jump up and down and punch the air in delight, and thought I'd completely lost my mind. No wonder he is my ex-husband!! No sense of humor.....

I haven't visited Intercourse (Pennsylvania, that is; take your minds out of the gutter!! :)-but I also haven't been to Pratt's Bottom in this country, either. I do really like unusual names of places, although I might get there and find them to be very ordinary.

So what? When I have that all-important 80% back, it will be time for a road trip!!

Oh-and apologies to the unnamed woman who posted an irate comment after my last post about weight. She said that she has weighed 14 stone (nearly 160 pounds) all her life, and that she is my height, and took offence at my calling her fat and saying that she must have a story behind it. My foot in my mouth again!!  140-160 is fat only FOR ME, and I was bullied at school (and at home) for it. I'm talking about 240 and above, or anyone who is clinically obese. Yikes!!

So can I take my foot out of my mouth now?

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