Saturday 19 January 2013

Frozen in London

Someone put a comment on the blog-asking if I have been killed by the hospital, since I haven't posted since Wednesday. No-not dead yet-but, of course, there is still time!!!

On Thursday, I took my life in my hands and went to Barts-where I spent eight hours having iron infusions. What a joy-they wonder why I'm anemic-well, of course I am anemic, they keep taking my blood!!! Anyway, I got home late, very tired, and that was my Thursday gone.

Yesterday-it snowed. And I do mean, it snowed. In North London we had about an inch of snow-and the rest of London had about the same-and the entire city was crippled. You would think that, after several winters with snow (at least an inch), someone would think of having enough grit for the roads, and getting out and gritting both roads and pavements...errr...well, no, and we now have sheets of ice on the pavements. That makes it lethal for anyone who is able-bodied, let alone someone (me, in fact) on a walking stick. It must be comical to watch me trying to walk on ice-I have a gait like Charlie Chaplin. Except I fall over.

So, that is the latest from me. Still alive, still trying to walk regardless of snow, ice, fog, bad weather...and still trying to decide on changing hospitals. First: the lawsuit, the media, the fight with Barts Trust. Then I think I will have to find another doctor, because I don't trust anyone at Barts. It's a quandary.

I actually saw something I haven't seen in years: snowball fights. I live on a small side road, and kids were scooping up snow and having snowball fights. It was great: it reminded me of my youth. LOL I was young once, yes!! And we used to lie in the snow and make snow angels. Nobody does that here. How sad.

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