Saturday 12 January 2013

People Power Rules-always

Two and a half years ago, I was afraid I would be a vegetable for the rest of my life. Now, I have not only become a blogger, but also an activist. Funny how that has happened!!

I'm always surprised when I see that people (and not only the people I know) are reading this blog. Now I am gratified to see that people have answered the call: they are writing to Imagine that!!

The question that arises is: how do I write to the General Medical Council? What do I write? So I thought I would post the email I sent (complete with copies to all those media people whose addresses I noted in yesterday's post. Won't that cause an uproar!!! Hopefully!!!!)


In 2010, a patient at Bart's Hospital in London was crippled, and her life destroyed, by gentamicin: this drug was not monitored, not administered correctly, and her cries to be taken off the drug due to severe side effects were deliberately ignored by her doctors - who saw all signs of gentamicin ototoxicity and chose to ignore them, telling her she was "imagining things". This caused complete vestibular destruction and severe visual impairment-both of which are complete, and permanent, and she is now completely disabled.

These doctors lied, telling her that she would "be fine", and that they did nothing wrong. You received two complaints and demands for a full investigation; you received these within six months of the occurrence, and you have ignored them. Why?

The doctors: Philip Bright, reg. no. 6103350
                    Sofia Grigoriadou, reg. no. 4282352
                    Hilary Longhurst, reg. no. 2981570

are guilty of gross negligence, incompentence, misconduct, and malpractice. They refused to listen to their patient, ignored obvious signs of vestibular destruction, and arrogantly lied to the patient. They are hiding behind Barts and the London, who appear to shield them (and other incompetent doctors within the trust) who should not be practicing medicine. Barts appears to condone this disgusting behavior; there is overwhelming evidence to prove the guilt of the doctors and the hospital that encourages them.

Yet- the General Medical Council does nothing-and you know that this incompetence exists all over this country, so why do you do nothing to stop it?

How many people in this country need to be crippled (or killed) at the hands of arrogant, incompetent, negligent doctors before you take action? How many emails like this one will it take for you do actively end this practice of cover-up, whitewash and collusion before you are forced to put a stop to it?

You will receive many emails like this one-and so will the media-until the disgraceful practice of cover-up has ended. Barts Trust, Bright, Grigoriadou, and Longhurst must be held accountable-publicly accountable-for this utter disgrace. And you must be held accountable, too, because you chose to ignore it.

That is the email I wrote to the GMC, and copied to the media.

This campaign began because I was well and truly fed up with the injustice of it all; now it has escalated, and it is no longer just about me, but about all those people who have been crippled by gentamicin (and there are many of them), or by doctors who are completely inept and should be doing something more suited to their abilities (someone wrote in and said that the public toilets in Piccadilly could use a good clean!!).

This isn't about me; it's about all of us. And there is a war on. Anyone else care to join me?

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