Tuesday 8 January 2013

Two steps forward, ten steps back

I'm amazed that I haven't been on this blog since Thursday...but I have had a bit of a setback: flu, the kind that keeps coming back and doesn't want to leave. What a pain!!!

I haven't done much since last week. I haven't even gone to the gym, and that isn't a good thing. All the rain has taken its toll on my balance system (what there is of it, that is), as well as my eyesight. A year ago-even six months ago-that would have caused a great deal of anxiety. Now I understand that it is only a temporary setback - but it is still very annoying!! Even as I write, I can feel my brain getting really lazy about building those neural pathways that I really, really need in order to get that crucial 80%.

While I was stuck in bed with the usual nasty flu symptoms, I thought about that 80% - and I thought, why not shoot for 100%? I might not get there; I might get to 80 or 90 percent-but shoot for 100 and see what happens. At least I will have done my homework, my exercises, some very hard work-I will have done my best. And, as Dr. Dimples advised me the last time I saw him, don't think about time-how long it has been, how little I've got back in two and a half years, how long it will take, how far I have to go. Just do it.

One thing I aspire to do is get online from home. I still have difficulty with my laptop, since it is so tiny and the print is so small. I do increase the font-but that doesn't help much. So I have been avoiding it. That is another goal: use the laptop, get my brain accustomed to seeing small print on a small screen...every time I challenge my brain, I force it to create new pathways so I can achieve what I want, not what I don't want.

I went to my local supermarket this morning, and this young guy started to chat me up. I thought that was so hilarious!! I have seen him there before, so I exchanged pleasantries, figuring that I was in the store, so it was all quite innocent. Who picks up someone in a supermarket, anyway?

Then he asked me how old I am-and I looked at him. Excuse me? I smiled and said that I am the same age as the London Underground, and I left the store, with him standing there, very confused. For those of you who are outside the UK-and those of you who live here but are comatose-the London Underground is 150 years old. I swear, I laughed all the way home. In fact, I laughed so hard, I nearly fell over.

Now there is a line for you: if someone has the nerve to ask your age (unless it's a doctor or the police), just smile sweetly and tell them that you are the same age as the London Underground-then saunter (do not run, they will probably stand there and try to figure it out) to the exit.

My tip of the day for saying it's none of anybody's business-without saying it's none of anybody's business!!

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