Tuesday 29 January 2013

Small victories...small, but huge in the end

On Saturday I went out to look at the car-and I could see that the tires were on their way to total flatness. Not so good, so I figured I would take a chance and go put air in the tires on Sunday morning. That was the plan, anyway. I haven't really driven in two and a half years-only to move the car from one space to another, and never in traffic, rain, snow, any weather conditions that could be dangerous. I do have my marbles, after all!!

Sunday morning, at 7:15-still dark, but the roads are lit-I decided to take the car up the road a mile and a bit to the Shell station, pay my 50p (imagine having to pay for air and water-what a con!), fill the tires and come back. And-I did it!! It was dark, but I didn't hit anything, or maim or kill anyone-I drove (a little nervously) to the station, filled the tires (did they ever need air!!), and drove back home without any problem whatsoever.

I got back, got inside, and punched the air in triumph. I must admit, I was a bit proud of myself for even daring to drive in the dark. Of course, there weren't many cars on the road yet, so no lights shining in my eyes. It was dry...but even three months ago, I wouldn't ever have taken the risk. So I have some of my confidence back. Now I need to build on that by driving to the supermarket, which is about a mile further down the road than the gas station. Go there, go back, and just keep driving short distances until I feel confident enough to venture a bit further. And I remember my vestibular physiotherapist telling me last summer that I need to get out and drive, although I should be mindful of weather conditions, traffic, and all the things that would make me nervous (including having an accident!!).

I know it's been two and a half years-more, in fact. I know I have had absolutely no patience when it comes to the brain making new pathways so I can get some balance back. But I can look back and see that I am still improving, and that I am still moving forward-although it is very, very slow going.

The fat lady hasn't sung yet-nowhere near it. Keep death on the roads, that's what I say! LOL!!!!!

I got an email from the General Medical Council, telling me that the complaint has been referred to someone who will be investigating it. We shall see if that really happens. I'm not very trusting of doctors; to me, they are one step above personal injury lawyers-who are about a half a step above politicians!! Ah, cynic that I am!!!

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