Monday 14 January 2013

I've stuck my head up over the parapet-again

Well, there are some results-my campaign has got off to a slow start-but it is still a start. And it is early days! People are taking notice; people are writing; people are as fed up with injustice as I am. People power: there is nothing like it.

I know what a risk I am taking over this-but someone has to do it, and it is a risk I am prepared to take. Nothing will change if people don't stand up and fight for change!!

I received an unsigned email on the yahoo account. The writer said that I am absolutely out of my mind for even thinking about doing this campaign, because only a very small percentage of people who complain over malpractice ever receive any compensation-let alone any kind of investigation into the incompetent doctors who have injured them. He (or she) then went on to wish me the best of luck-but also to remind me that the next time I have to go into Barts or the Royal London as an inpatient, they will probably poison me, and call it an accident. Why am I not surprised?

Whatever happens, I will have to be extremely careful (as the writer of the email pointed out, people have been murdered for less). Paranoid? Who is paranoid?

I will absolutely have to lose the walking stick; I can wobble without it, I will just wobble a bit more.

I will need to wear a hat. And dark glasses. And a scarf. And gloves. Perhaps I should wear a mask....

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