Saturday 17 March 2012

The fertilizer has hit the fan

I was planning to write about my latest physiotherapy session, and the work I've been doing. However, on Thursday the fertilizer hit the fan in a very big way (see how I cleaned that up; I am getting more polite as I get older!!).

Apparently, Toyin Olusogo, who is Anna Philippou's line manager, has chosen to spread scurrilous lies about me-to everyone who will listen- presumably to save her job. She called social services and told them that I am paranoid and that she is fearful for my mental state. She went on to tell them that I beat up her friend in December. That accusation is both risible and ludicrous-as well as being a huge, cosmic-sized lie-since I am on a walking stick with no vestibular system, and am visually impaired (particularly after dark), so it wouldn't be possible for me to beat up a stick of celery. I may do silly things, but I don't pick fights.

I heard all this on Thursday; Olusoga is suggesting that I undergo an assessment to see if I should be placed in a secure environment. I went to Victim Support on Friday, and discussed this with my support worker, who said this is the most evil act she has encountered in a very long time.

So-never one to back down from a challenge-particularly when it is blatant character assassination by an abhorrence who is fearful of keeping a job for which she is completely unsuitable anyway-I am emailing Paul Bridge, head of Haringey, to inform him that, since he has taken no action and seems to allow his people to say any old slander about anyone at any time, I am taking Haringey to court.

I will be interested to see if Toyin Olusoga will continue to lie, in court, under oath, when the penalty for perjury is a custodial sentence. Haringey doesn't really care how many of its staff abuse, intimidate, and practice racism against people who are disabled and therefore cannot fight back. BUT- I didn't get this far in 83 weeks by not being a fighter. I fought every step of the way, I worked very hard to get this much balance back. I sure as hell am not going to back down against someone who spreads vicious lies in order to save her own backside. I will challenge that backside in a court of law.

Oh, and by the way, I have also decided to seek the help of the media. Haringey is known to have racist, bullying, abusive and incompetent people on its payroll-and social services is equally pathetic (anyone else remember the torture and murder of Baby Peter-which could have been avoided if anyone in social services actually had functioning grey matter).

Off to the press I go-and off to seek legal advice and take Haringey to court. Heh-obviously I will have to avoid making any lawyer jokes, won't I?


  1. hello can you please urgently contact me as I myself have been bullied by toyin
