Thursday 22 March 2012

Nice day for a whitewash!

The last post seems to have published itself-my computer froze, and I couldn't continue. So annoying!!

I started to say that all I did was make a simple noise complaint-and, oh, how it escalated from there!! If I'd known at the time that it would cause all this uproar-and stress!!-would I have stuck my head above the parapet, only to have it shot at by Homes for Haringey? Hell, no-are you crazy?? Not in this (or any) lifetime. But I champion the underdog-and, in this case, the underdog is...well, me!!

I got a call this afternoon from Rachel Hawley, someone or other from Homes for Haringey-Bridge obviously palmed this all off on her. Talk about drawing the short straw!!

Hawley spent 40 minutes justifying all the actions of Toilet and Philippou (now known forever as the Spawn of Satan). Hawley denied any wrongdoing by either of them, and then said that Toilet never said that I am paranoid, etc, etc. Well-my source is a LOT more trustworthy than either Toilet or Hawley, so I know that is a load of crap (to coin a phrase). Hawley then went on to berate me for calling the staff at HforH a bunch of halfwits. Okay-so they aren't halfwits, they are dimwits. I stand my ground when I say they have less brains than a turnip.

Hawley then - and seriously, too,which made me nearly laugh out loud - said that maybe I have tinnitus and that made me think there was noise from the upstairs neighbour. I would have fallen off the chair, but I was standing. I said, no, I definitely do not have tinnitus-and I was too polite to tell her that she is basically full of shit.

When Hawley called me "frail", I denied this-I said, excuse me, but I am neither deaf nor senile, and I am far from frail. I may have no balance mechanism, but I am not the least bit frail. And she suggested I need help-and I said I am very offended by that suggestion. I then said I would be happy to have an independent assessment-before I could continue, she said that would be a good idea. I went on to say that I would agree to this - provided those two, Toilet and Spawn have one as well. Hawley didn't like that.

The outcome? Oh, Hawley said, shall we draw a line under this? I said, I expected a whitewash-and she was most miffed. I said that she needs to talk to both Toilet and Spawn of Satan (no, I didn't call them that on the phone. Hawley would probably have me arrested). No more accusations from them, no more contact at all, and no fired back accusations from me-no matter how justified these accusations may be.

Honestly-these people are so full of crap, it is really sad. And I think I have wasted far too much time trying to get some form of justice. Haringey Council and Homes for Haringey have a reputation that nestles comfortably between a backed-up toilet and a filthy, festering sewer. No surprise for the reputation, and no surprise that nothing will be done.

I stuck my neck out and complained against injustice. I did a public service!!

Oh, and I did see a lawyer-very nice, too. He suggested I leave it all alone, since the courts will not deal with any charges like these unless they are brought by the rich and famous. He also said that nothing will change-people have been accepting this from Haringey for years. Good advice. Time to leave it alone. And, really, who gives a rat's patootie what a load of morons say about me? If anyone from Haringey had anything between the ears, they would be dangerous. They aren't -they're just a royal pain in the arse.

I will, of course, remember to keep my head down. I'm not fighting for anyone else, either. Join the jobsworths. I should have been a politician (no, too honest).

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