Wednesday 28 March 2012

Tempus Fugit (and too bloomin' quickly, too)

Doesn't time fly!! It seems to pass at warp speed-or maybe I am just getting older (considering the consequences, I'll take that option!!).

I had my scan on Monday, and I must have irradiated everyone within a square mile of the hospital. I joked with the tech (who destroyed my arm, as he tried -unsuccessfully - to find a vein for the cannula) about the fact that people will be sterilized as I pass by. As it turns out, he said (and very seriously, too) that I must stay away from pregnant women and young children for four hours after the scan, as the radiation could prove damaging to them. Errr...and what does the radiation do to me, then? He suggested that it is worth it, just to discover if there is any malignancy or inflamation anywhere in the body. Huh-maybe for him, but I'm the one who got the radioactive junk in my arm!!

Never mind-I'm quite certain that everything will be normal. I'm going to have to hang around for a very long time - so I can be a pain in the backside to everyone!! LOL!!!!

I said that I would back off Homes for Haringey-I didn't say I wouldn't blog about them. They can sue me-and what will they get, apart from a load of damaging publicity? Not much, I can tell you. Oh-and Lynne Featherstone, MP for Haringey, has contacted the police commissioner about this whole nasty business, so nothing is finished yet. The fat lady hasn't sung, as they say. (and, just in case you think I am really, truly giving up on this, I can also say that I have contacted the media. Give up? Quit? Hell, no!!!)

So that brings you up to date. I have started doing my vestibular exercises again, and I am doing all the things I am supposed to be doing. I am also trying to remain very upbeat about life and everything that has happened-although I do find that so difficult!!

Recovery from this awful screw-up on the part of the hospital has its peaks and troughs. Some days are better than others. Today is one of the good days-following a few awful days, when it was extremely difficult to walk without falling over.

It is as Dr Dimples told me: some days are good, some days aren't, and I have to ride out those really awful ones if I want to have a decent life. He also said not to give up, and that it is only early days (I don't call 19 months early days, but what do I know?).

I feel like the Energizer bunny, with batteries that need replacing! But-I just keep going. And part of me wonders what on earth is going to happen next!! I AM working on staying positive, but I am no Polyanna, and I can tell you again that nothing comes easily. That doesn't mean I will give up-not until they put me in the ground!

And-my good friend Nancy sent me some dip recipes-so here come the Kettle Chips!! How bad can life be?

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