Thursday 8 March 2012

Tact, Diplomacy and Patience: the Missing Genes

I have spent most of the week at the hospital-or should I say, hospitals!! I just got back from Bart's, so I wanted to write in case anyone following this thinks I might have been either kidnapped by a George Clooney lookalike (dream on, dream on, as if!!) or abducted by aliens (far more likely than the first possibility!!).

Now, I said that I have absolutely zero patience-and, after 82 weeks, I have been getting a bit depressed again. It rained this week-the weather was really nasty for part of the week-and I noticed that my balance and my ability to focus my eyes both get much worse when the weather conditions change. So-it has been a wee bit frustrating this week!!

I went to church on Sunday-mostly because the pastor keeps calling me to see how I am-otherwise I don't think I would bother. And I walked in and the first person I saw was someone I thought was a friend-not a good friend, more of an acquaintance. But I looked at her and I thought she was going to fall through the floor-her name is Rachel, and she has made a huge deal over "praying for me", which would be nice-except that she is the world's biggest bore. All she can talk about is her work, and her manager-nothing else-and how she is "praying for me", as if I should be eternally grateful.

There is a story to Rachel and her friend, my neighbor Carol. I will tell you that story another time. It really is relevant, I swear!!

I am hardly the queen of tact and the master of diplomacy; I have reached the age now where I just tell it as I see it, and if someone doesn't want my opinion, they shouldn't ask for it!! I let people know exactly where they stand with me, and I don't sugarcoat anything. Personally, I would rather someone be honest with me than tell me what they think I want to hear. But-I have also reached the age where I realize that sometimes you have to be careful of how you express your opinions-too forceful and you can get a good smack in the mouth.And that is a story I will save for Saturday, since I have to return to the hospital tomorrow (briefly, but I still have to go).

Hint: Rachel looked at me when I walked through the door and said that  I couldn't have been too bad because I made it to church. I resisted the urge (and let me tell you, it was a strong urge!!) to ask her how her diet is coming and then say that she still looks like she is in danger of being chased by Captain Ahab and his harpoon. I think I made a wise choice in avoiding that (given that she is twice my size, at least)-don't you?

Sometimes I just want to slap people-even though those people are clearly retards.

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