Monday 22 October 2012

And another thing I learned

Security people at JFK and Orlando have no sense of humor. NEVER say "hola" to a security person. Not even to be friendly. Especially do not say "hola,wanker", no matter how rude they are. Say it silently (I did. Several times. I nearly hit one with my walking stick. Accidentally, of course).

Airport security people have a tough job-but that is a crappy excuse.

I had to show my passport at Orlando in order to be allowed to get past security. The guy was nasty-but I think that's why they hire people like him.

I said: it's my birthday. And it is also the first time I have been on a plane since my accident. He harrumphed. He really harrumphed. Nobody harrumphs these days. So I said: you could just wish me a happy birthday. And he looked at me like I have three heads, one of which is probably detachable-and he smiled. Well-it might have been a grimace; it was very hard to tell. Happy birthday, have a good flight, he said.

I smiled broadly and said thanks, I will. I probably ruined his entire day.

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