Monday 22 October 2012

Off to see the Wizard

I got to Orlando without any kind of incident.

JFK and Orlando Airport both have heavy security - they do the usual: everything in little boxes to be sent through the scanners (including shoes). But-they also have a large machine that xrays every passenger. You walk into it, stand with arms over your head, glass doors close, and a few seconds later, you're done. Probably irradiated for the next fifty years, but done.

I asked someone if this was an xray machine-because there are no notices of any kind. When I was told yes, and the scan was over, I asked how my lungs are. The security people weren't amused. I was (clearly) but they weren't. And I had needles and syrings in my backpack-and it was like Heathrow: nobody said a thing. I must look very innocent. Well-I AM very innocent! Even with the walking stick!!

I got to Orlando Thursday afternoon, and my friend NJ was waiting for me. We both teared up - because, although we talk all the time, we haven't seen each other in thirteen years. I have a strong feeling that true friendship isn't diminished by the passing of time-and I was absolutely right this time.

I had a wonderful time with NJ and her dogs, and her cats, too. We hung out. We walked the dogs-and I walked without the stick. I didn't fall over once. So I know that, even with jet lag for the first four days, and even spending two hours (and a bit) on a plane, I was pretty much okay.

We went to the Bose store-because I wanted to buy a pair of Bose headphones. Extravagant? Yes-but I realized before I got on the plane from Heathrow that I am rewarding myself for surviving the last two years.

I survived. I've made it this far, and I will get to that magic 80%, and I don't care how long it takes. What is important is that I took the risk, I made the decision, and I didn't sit on my behind and complain about my bad luck (well, I did, but only for the first 20 months or so. Then I was too bored to continue).

We shared a beautiful bottle of champagne last night, since it was my last night in Orlando for awhile.

But there is one thing I know for certain: it won't be another 13 years (hopefully not even another 13 months!) before I get on a plane again and go to visit NJ in Orlando.

As the saying goes: I'll be back! (who said that again? Oh, yeah: somebody who is a lot older than I am!!!LOL)

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