Sunday 14 October 2012

Hola, cupcakes!

I'm still very jet lagged - presumably I'll be back in the same NY time zone by-Christmas. Which year, I have no idea!!

I arrived on Thursday afternoon. The flight was fine, and I got to JFK only to find that the baggage handlers had lost my luggage. So - it took someone two hours to scour the airport to find it. Whew-I thought I was doomed to wear the same clothes for a couple of days - and the airline would have to pay for a new wardrobe!!

That was the worst part of my trip over here - except, of course, for the horrendous jet lag. I've been awake at some ungodly hour in the middle of the night- every night!!

I arrived to find that everyone (or, nearly everyone, it seemed) spoke Spanish. When did people stop speaking English? It was very frustrating for me. I took four years of Spanish in high school, and when I went off to university, I forgot everything I'd learned. The teacher at that time made a good point: if you want to learn a foreign language, go to that country and learn from the people, not from a book. Who speaks textbook Spanish in the real world? Or any language, for that matter!!

I can get as far as: hola, prat. Or, que pasa, wanker? Of course, I can't say that to anyone from the UK, or anyone who has visited the UK - not a good idea, that's for sure!! I do, however, recommend that if you want to use those two expressions (two of my favorites, by the way), say them in some language that nobody will understand - like, maybe, Klingon.

Always swear at someone with a smile - then run.

Things are going well - except that my balance has been completely kaput since Thursday. I was warned this would happen: my GP and Dr Dimples both told me to expect that all my symptoms would be intensified, but that this would pass after a few days. So I am staying well away from traffic!! And-people seem to avoid me. I think they probably think I'm either drunk or on drugs!!

Perhaps I should look at that as a bonus!

When I left Heathrow, it was foggy and damp and dreary - the usual!! After the lost luggage panic, and when I'd recovered a bit, I went out of the airport to see my friend waiting for me. And it was beautifully cool and sunny - it's been beautifully cool and sunny ever since.

I'm in New York. And New York greeted me with a smile. What else can anyone ask for?

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