Friday 5 October 2012

National Rumination Week

I spend so much time ruminating, I thought it would be a great idea to have a National Rumination Week. That way, we could postpone ruminating for the rest of the year, and spend one entire week ruminating, pondering, wallowing, or whatever...and the rest of the year, we could spend just enjoying life.

It sounds like a good idea, least, to me! And I usually spend the last three months of every year looking back at all the things I wanted to do-and didn't-so this could save me a great deal of time (never mind all the angst). And this year has been no exception-and it is only the beginning of October!!!

I'm distracting myself (somewhat) by planning my trip to New York. I've surprised myself by starting to make lists of everything I need to take with me, and everything I want to buy when I'm over there-and taking all the numbers of all the people I want to call and putting them somewhere safe. Usually, when I put something somewhere "safe" I find it several years later!! But this year, I have been really good. So far. Next week I will be freaking out, even though I am going to be ready to leave in plenty of time.~Whew-I think I will need a holiday after my holiday!!

I've got a week to go, and I'm excited, although I'm a bit concerned about my balance (or, lack of it). I'm taking all my medication with me on the plane (complete with a doctor's letter, so my nebulizer won't be seized and smashed to see if it explodes), so that should be okay. But-I haven't gone anywhere in so long, I don't know how I will deal with eight hours on a plane: no balance system, and eight hours on a plane.

I've decided not to worry about it. The worst that can happen is that I stand up and fall over. And-that's certainly one way to meet people!!!!

I called my friend NJ last night, even though I'm seeing her in a couple of weeks. We had a good laugh about the fact that I am also going to take a surgical mask with me for the duration of the flight. Who knows how many sick people there will be on the plane? Besides that, I don't want to really spend eight hours inhaling other people's stale farts. No thank you!!

NJ is right: I have been more than a little bit negative for a very, very long time, and it's time for an attitude adjustment. I have been working on it - you could say that I'm a work in progress. And-I'm getting very good with my stick, so if anyone really bugs me, I've got very good aim!!!!

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